The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ) in the 7th century and was not translated into English by a Muslim until the 20th century. Many Muslims had long believed that the Quran should only be read in Arabic, the original language of revelation. This led to many inaccurate, ill-willed translations by missionaries and orientalists—which explains why we still see some words like ‘holy war’ and ‘infidels’ as well as many theological inaccuracies in some existing translations. All this leads to endless false assumptions about Islam and Muslims. Some Muslim translators are no better off than their non-Muslim counterparts because they are not well-versed in Arabic, or English, or Islamic studies, or translation, or all of the above. Looking up words in an Arabic-English dictionary or copying earlier translations when frustrated does not always guarantee accuracy in translation. There are some noteworthy modern translations like that of Dr. Ahmad Zaki Hammad (2007) and Dr. M.A.S. Abdel Haleem (2004), but many are either overtranslated, making it difficult for laypeople to understand, or undertranslated, doing a great disservice to the Quran. This is why I saw a need for an accurate, smooth, and accessible translation.
Da’wah organization based in Illinois
The supreme entity for Islamic studies and research at Al-Azhar
Sh. Abdalla Idris Ali, Executive Director of ISNA Canada and former President of ISNA US and Canada
Dr. M. Iqbal Nadvi, Chair of the Canadian Council of Imams
Prof. Abdur Raheem Kidwai, an author and a leading authority on evaluating Quranic translations
Well known preacher, professor, public speaker and author
Founder & President, Yaqeen Institute
Founder & Director, Seekers Hub International
Imam, Islamic Institute of Toronto
Imam, Scholar
Quran Journey
Muslim scholar, community leader, chaplain, and motivational speaker. Ontario, Canada
Muslim scholar and author, President of ISNA Canada. And Lecturer, University of Toronto at Mississauga.
Research Fellow at Yaqeen Institute
Secretary General, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA)
Muslim scholar and author, President of ISNA Canada. And Lecturer, University of Toronto at Mississauga.
World-renowned scholar and writer
The best translation of the Qur’an, in my view, is ‘The Clear Quran’ by my friend and brother Dr. Mustafa Khattab. Indeed, it is very clear!
“A Long Overdue English Translation of the Qur’an
I have been involved as a Muslim speaker, teacher, and writer on Islam for more than 50 years. Like many others, I always hoped for a translation of the meaning of the Qur’an that combines clarity, accuracy, understanding of the historical background of many Qur’anic verses, especially the ‘occasion of revelation,’ the textual context of a given verse and its connection with other verses in the Qur’an about the same topic. In addition, better understanding of the Qur’an requires knowledge of the authentic Sunnah or teachings of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] and the overall message and teachings of Islam. I always wondered how could all these ideal conditions be combined and by whom? It sounded like a dream. The Clear Quran translated by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, a qualified graduate of the famous Al-Azhar University came the closest to my long-standing dream. I hope to Allah to extend my life to rewrite my modest works on Islam using this translation with a minimum, hopefully rare, minor identifiable editing. Meanwhile, I pray to Allah, the Merciful to bless and reward Dr. Khattab and his loved ones, including me!”
Dr. Jamal Badawi
Well known preacher, professor, public speaker and author
The Clear Quran—which is noted for clarity, accuracy, eloquence, and flow—is indeed a scholarly and timely work that reflects the beauty and relevance of Islam. I highly recommend Dr. Khattab’s translation.
Imam Omar Suleiman
Founder & President, Yaqeen Institute
Dr. Khattab’s translation of the Qur’an—The Clear Quran—is arguably the best current translation available. Clear, flowing, sensitive, balanced, sound, bringing out the beauty of the Divine Address.
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Founder & Director, Seekers Hub International
Regardless of your knowledge or religious background, The Clear Quran will give you a glimpse of what each Chapter represents in a manner that is easy to study and comprehend. I commend Dr. Mustafa Khattab and his team for their tireless efforts in compiling and simplifying the translation of the Quran.
Shaykh Musleh Khan
Imam, Islamic Institute of Toronto
I have thoroughly read through The Clear Quran and I find it to be one of the best and most practical translations available, ma sha Allah. I am now using it as the translation aid for Quran Journey.
Imam Hosam Helal
Quran Journey
Finally, a translation I can recommend
During my interfaith encounters, I’m often asked to recommend a translation of the Quran that’s reflective of its original text. Out of the 29 translations I’m familiar with, I’ve never felt comfortable to recommend any of them. Even though many of those translations try to provide the reader with a general idea of what the meaning is, many challenging verses are horribly mistranslated, thus misrepresenting the great message of Islam.
I’m grateful to Dr. Mustafa Khattab for presenting me with a copy of The Clear Quran. I read his notes and introduction and found his approach and total understanding of the task he has undertaken quite assuring. His command of the Arabic language and his analysis of the translation protocol resulted, not only in clarity (as the title indicates), but consistency as well. I’ve read his translation of many chapters and have found that finally I can comfortably and confidently recommend an English translation of the Quran, especially that—for the first time—one can benefit from a scholarly, thematic work, rather than misleading literal translations.
Dr. Munir El-Kassem
Muslim scholar, community leader, chaplain, and motivational speaker
Ontario, Canada
The Clear Quran lives up to its name—written in a clear, easily accessible English style. Converts, Muslim youth, and interested non-Muslims who find other translations difficult to follow will be glad for The Clear Quran.
Dr. Katherine Bullock
Muslim scholar and author, President of ISNA Canada,
and Lecturer, University of Toronto at Mississauga
Being a translator myself, I am deeply humbled by this translation. Every passage reflects meticulous craftsmanship, painstakingly balancing between loyalty to the original text and palatability for the contemporary readership. I pray it continues becoming uniquely impactful in bringing people closer to God’s inimitable Word.
Mohammad Elshinawy
Research Fellow at Yaqeen Institute
“لست من أهل هذه اللغة، ولكن شهد عندي من أثق بشهادته من أهلها أن هذه الترجمة متميزة في سلاستها ودقتها ويسر التعامل معها، فاللهم اجزِ صاحبها خيرًا عما بذله من جهدٍ واستفرغه من وُسعٍ في نصحه لكتابك الكريم وتيسير فهمه للناطقين بهذه اللغة من عبادك، واجعلها بركةً له حياته ورفعةً له في درجاته يوم يلقاك.”
د. صلاح الصاوي
الأمين العام لمجمع فقهاء الشريعة بأمريكا
I’m not a native speaker of English, but I’ve been reassured by some—whose native tongue is English and whose judgment I fully trust—that this translation stands out for being clear, accurate, and accessible. I pray to Allah to reward the translator immensely for his great and tireless efforts in the service of the Noble Quran to make it accessible to English speakers, and to make this translation a blessing for him in this life and the means to raising him in rank in the next.
Dr. Salah Asawy
Secretary General, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA)
From what I have read, The Clear Quran allows God’s book to speak for itself. The translation uses words and sentence structures to mirror the intended meaning, taking into account the context and classical exegesis, while maintaining clarity and flow. I recommend The Clear Quran to all English speakers, especially those who are interested in Islam. Dr. Khattab has done a brilliant job.
Hamza Tzortzis
Author and Public Speaker
“I have read excerpts from the translation of the Quran by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, and was impressed with the accuracy in his translation of specific problematic verses that most other translators make mistakes in. It is clear that Dr. Khattab has spent many meticulous hours of research in choosing the best interpretations of the verses, and I believe that this translation is amongst the best in the English language.”
As an Imam and Principal of an Islamic Academy I prefer teaching my students Quran interpretation from The Clear Quran (the one provided with Arabic text) as it’s the simplest and clearest translation of Quran.
Ahmed Fawzy
Imam, Principal